
Evenlode Primary School

Always being our best, for ourselves and for each other

Partnership with Parents

At  Evenlode Primary School, we have an 'open door policy'. We believe that communication between home and school is really important and that we work in partnership with Parents and carers. For general updates and an overview of school life and events, we provide a weekly newsletter. Our Facebook page is updated daily by different staff members. Senior leaders and staff are available on the gate daily and we have a process for contacting staff at school which is detailed in the section below.





    We have a Home School Agreement to support the partnership between school and families.

    Queries and Concerns – Delegation Process.

    We always want to resolve concerns and answer queries as soon as possible as part of our partnership with Parents and Carers. Please see below for who to contact.

    Parents' Forum.

    We now have a Parents' Forum which meets half termly with senior leaders and a representative from the Governing Body. This is a forum to work together, for Parents to be able to ask questions, make suggestions and  raise issues through their year group representatives, and for school to share aspects of how it works. 


    A group of our Parents are involved in the growing worldwide movement ‘Smartphone Free Childhood’ (SFC).  The movement encourages parents to delay giving their child a smartphone, due to growing research that use can, negatively affect development and increase mental health issues, especially in late primary and early secondary aged children.


    A nationwide SFC WhatsApp community has been started, and Evenlode now has its own group within it.  The hope is that we can work together as a school and make healthy and informed decisions for our children.

    Headteacher Termly Meetings.

    Mrs Foster holds regular meetings for Parents. Please see below for associated documents.

    Evenlode Parent Governors.

    As Parent Governors, we  liaise with our Senior Leadership Team on your behalf. If you have a question or something to celebrate, please share with us.
