Always being our best, for ourselves and for each other
Come and meet our dedicated team! The Birch class is taught by Mr Barton and the Hollies class are taught by Mrs Rodrigues. Our LSA is Mrs Filiau.
Pupils will take part in group guided reading sessions daily, which are designed to develop a wide range of reading skills. Group guided reading gives an opportunity for pupils to listen to others and to hear their opinions, predictions and explanations on a wide variety of texts. Pupils are encouraged to participate, not only when reading, but also to the discussion on the content of different texts. Pupils will be grouped to ensure they are all reading a challenging text.
In addition to this, pupils will also read on an individual basis with either the class teacher or LSA. The day each child reads will vary each week and so children need to ensure their reading book and reading record comment book is in their school bag daily. Reading practise is essential and so the children will also need to read their reading book at home. There is a record book for parents to comment. Little and often is the most effective approach, a few pages everyday perhaps.
Pupils are tested at the start of each term on the high frequency spelling words. These are in the form of six lists of words that all pupils need to learn to spell before leaving primary school. The words that pupils spelt incorrectly will be highlighted and sent home to practise. In addition to this, pupils will practise 3 of their incorrect spelling words a week during guided reading sessions. Pupils who can spell these words will be given words relating to our topic to learn and homophones (words with different spelling & different meaning) to learn, e.g. blue & blew.
Our pupils begin to learn to form the letters of the alphabet in a pre-cursive style, where each lower-case letter begins ON the line with a lead up line. In Year 2 we have handwriting lessons, where we show the children how to join the letters together to form more of a cursive font. See below in the 'Information for Parents' for our handwriting scheme.
In Welsh, pupils will read simple texts containing familiar sentence patterns during guided reading sessions. They will also learn new vocabulary and sentence patterns relating to the following topics: Myself, the body, colour, clothing, hobbies & the seaside.
In Maths we cover a wide range of topics in line with the Curriculum for Wales. These include the four operations, Place Value, Shape and Space, Measures and Data Handling. Opportunities for problem solving and investigation work are provided across these topics. Lessons are differentiated to ensure all pupils are receiving work appropriate to their level of ability. Pupils answer a range of mental maths questions on a daily basis.
In Year 2 we learn our 2x, 5x and 10x tables. We chant them and also respond to quick-fire recall with questions like 'what are 8 fives?' Please could you support your child by practising and 'testing' them on these times tables. It is also very important that your child is confident counting forwards & backwards. Counting is easy to practise because it can be done anywhere, whilst walking up and down the stairs, out walking, in the car or in the bath!
In Autumn 1, pupils will learn about Space, the sun, Earth and the other planets. They will learn about famous astronauts, day & night and the stars.
In Autumn 2, pupils will learn about famous people and historical events. They will learn about Guy Fawkes & the Gunpowder Plot and Samuel Pepys and The Great Fire of London.
Children will use globes, atlases and maps to discover where the rainforests are in the world. They will learn about the 7 continents, 5 oceans, equator, two hemispheres and two poles. They will learn about the UK, with its 4 countries and capital cities. Pupils will learn about the Amazon Rainforest as a habitat. They will study the layers of the rainforest, the conditions and animals which inhabit each layer. They will learn about some fascinating animals and their adaptations. We will look at non-fiction books.
Pupils will learn about famous Pirates from the past, Grace Darling and the Titanic. They will learn about the seaside during Victorian times and beach safety and the RNLI.
Please find below information on our class routines.
Please ensure that all uniform is clearly marked with your child’s name. Lost property is located at the front of the school, outside the main office, housed in lost property bins.
PE kits are to be worn to school every Thursday and Friday.
Water bottles are kept in a box and children may drink water throughout the day. This is in addition to any drink’s bottle included with a packed lunch. Please ensure this water bottle is clear, has a sports top and contains only water. It also needs to be clearly marked with their name.
All homework at Evenlode is completed via Seesaw, an online learning journal. Students use creative tools to enter text, to take pictures, draw, record videos and more to capture learning in a portfolio. Children are issued with individual logins at the start of the year to be able to access their own journal and complete teacher created activities that are assigned on Fridays and submitted by Tuesday mornings. Seesaw is available from on a computer, or you can install the Seesaw Class App on an iOS or Android device.
We have provided a list of links which will help you support your child at home.