Always being our best, for ourselves and for each other
During this term our topic is 'BELONGING' where we look at the natural world and our local area. Our class books are 'The Tin Forest' and 'The Eye of the Wolf'.
Through our topic 'CHANGE' we investigate the human body. Our class book is 'The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane'.
Our topic of 'LEGACY' will look at the Celts and Romans. Our class book will be the 'Little People, Big Dreams' series. The children will undertake a swimming course later in the term.
Spelling - pupils will be given words weekly to work on in school. These words will be based on familiar word patterns as well as the high frequency words all pupils need to learn before leaving primary school.
Reading - All pupils from will take part in daily guided reading sessions which are designed to develop all pupils reading skills. In groups pupils will read and discuss a range of texts appropriate to their level.
Writing - through the focus on our half termly novel, pupils will write using a range of genres with word and sentence level focus through to extended pieces of writing.
In Maths we cover a wide range of topics in line with the Curriculum for Wales. These include the four operations, Place Value, Shape and Space, Measures and Data Handling. Opportunities for problem solving and investigation work are provided across these topics. Lessons are differentiated to ensure all pupils are receiving work appropriate to their level of ability. Pupils answer a range of mental maths questions on a daily basis.
At Evenlode we do not set weekly homework. Instead, we encourage all the children to read, or to be read to regularly. We have also put a variety of links below that will aid your child in practicing a variety of skills including numeracy and literacy skills. The curriculum newsletter also gives parents a guide to what their child will be studying that term.
Please find below information you may also find useful.
Please ensure that all uniform is clearly displayed with your child’s name. Missing uniform can be found in the lost property box.
PE kits are to be worn into school on Mondays (inside) and Wednesdays (outside).
Water bottles are kept in a box in the classroom and children may drink throughout the day. Please ensure this water bottle is clear and contains only water and their name is clearly marked.
Please click on the following links to support your child's work in class
We have provided a list of links which will help you support your child at home.
Can you write correctly using cursive? Clear explanations available here.
Throughout their time in Evenlode, the children learn to read and spell the 124 High Frequency Word, the words used most often. Click here to find out how you can help.