Always being our best, for ourselves and for each other
Come and meet the team!
Hazel class are taught by Mr Allsopp.
Rowan are taught by Mrs Almond (Tuesday - Friday) & Mrs Moger (Monday).
Our wonderful and very dedicated LSAs are Mrs Corbett and Miss Lewis.
Class Routines
Here is some information on our Year One routines.
Your child will read in school at least once a week and we advocate a small read (just 5 minutes) at home everyday. Practise is the key to success in reading! Please encourage your child to keep their reading book in their school bag and bring it to school every day, as they may not read on the same day each week. Your child will also be tested on their flashcard words regularly. These are the key words which appear regularly in their ORT reading books and often cannot be decoded (sounded out) easily. These flashcard words need to be practised at home so they become instantly recognised, without the need to be decoded (sounded out). When the flashcard words are brought home, it is a good idea to cut out the words and stick them around a room/the house so they can be seen and practised regularly. Please encourage your child to read at home and practice their flashcard words. We really appreciate your comments in their 'Reading Record' book as to how they are doing at home. If your child doesn't manage to finish their reading book at home, please just note the page they got up to.
PE kits should be worn to school every....
Monday (Indoor PE) and Tuesday (Outdoor PE/Tree School) for Rowan Class.
Monday (Indoor PE) and Wednesday (Outdoor PE/Tree School) for Hazel Class.
During the colder months please wear something warm for Outdoor P.E/Tree School. As the school grounds can get muddy, please could you provide your child with a pair of wellington boots and waterproof trousers for Tree School. The waterproof trousers need to be the thin variety (not skiing salopettes) so they can be rolled up & stored inside a wellie boot. These can be kept in school.
Please ensure all your child’s clothes, shoes, trainers and wellies are clearly labelled.
Snack and Water
Please bring a water bottle containing only water (no squash or other drinks please) and a HEALTHY snack daily. Please ensure water bottles and snack pots are clearly labelled.
We have literacy sessions daily. We use the Jolly Phonics scheme to teach Phonics. Pupils are introduced to a new blend every Monday. Ask your child what the blend they are looking at this week!
In addition to individual reading children will also take part in daily guided reading sessions which are designed to develop pupils' reading skills. Pupils are grouped to ensure they are all reading books appropriate to their level.
When writing, we encourage all children to use our cursive handwriting which they started learning in Reception.
Pupils will develop their understanding of counting, number, number formation, addition, subtraction and early multiplication & division strategies. We will also work on shape, length, capacity, weight, time, money and data handling. Children will also begin to develop their reasoning and problem-solving skills.
In the afternoons we focus on the wider curriculum where we look at the Humanities, Expressive Arts, Health & Well-being and Science and Technology.
The Knowledge Area
Throughout the week children have the opportunity to work with their friends from the other class in the Knowledge Area in our Continuous Provision setting. We are lucky to have a wide and varied range of good quality resources and set challenges for the children weekly. We have a new sheltered outside area which allows independent learning to go on, whatever the weather.
Throughout the year we revise and develop our understanding of colours, weather and clothes, body parts, food and pets. We also look at food and what we like and don't like, toys, our family, numbers, animals and shapes. We use incidental Welsh throughout the day and develop our Welsh language through song, playing games and play.
French is our new Modern International Language. The children will learn incidental French through songs and games.
We investigate lots of different mini beasts and their habitats and some of the creepy crawlies come and join us in class!!! This is a Science based topic.
We look at and write about Superheroes, real and imagined! We also look at traditional Fairy Tales and investigate and make simple ‘pop up’ mechanisms.
In this topic we look at our local community, Penarth and Cardiff, and compare life at home to life in Botswana. We look at maps and globes. This is a Geography based topic.
We also travel back in time to study life in Victorian times. We look at family life, wash day and toys. This is a History based topic.
At Evenlode we do not set weekly homework. Instead, we encourage all children to read, or to be read to regularly. We have also put a variety of links below that will aid your child in practising a variety of skills including numeracy and literacy skills. The curriculum newsletter also gives parents a guide to what their child will be studying that term.
We have provided a list of links which will help you support your child at home.
Year group guidelines to help you support your child through the year.
Help with home reading. Click here for information.
Throughout their time in Evenlode, the children learn to read and spell the 124 High Frequency Word, the words used most often. Click here to find out how you can help.
A quick guide to help you to support your child when learning spellings.