Always being our best, for ourselves and for each other
PTA News
We're currently confirming our calendar of fundraising events for 2025.
Check back soon for details and wishing you a very Merry Christmas!
What's the PTA?
Evenlode Primary School PTA is a registered charity made up of parents and staff from Evenlode. Our role is to advance the education of pupils and encourage closer links between home and school.
Evenlode PTA Charitable Objects
"To advance the education of the pupils of the school by providing
and assisting in the provision of facilities for education at the school."
We do this by raising funds to buy equipment that isn’t normally provided by the Local Education Authority and by hosting events to foster positive relationships between parents, staff and the local community in Penarth.
We organise an annual Summer Fayre, gift shops for Mothers Day, Fathers Day and Role Model Days, Art Shows, Colour Runs and other events throughout the year that raise money and bring the school community together.
Recently we’ve used the money raised to fund 70 brand new Chromebooks, a whole new suite of Oxford Reading Tree books, extra protractors and compasses for Maths lessons, new trim trails for the playgrounds and ice lollies & rosettes for every child on Sports Day.
Who's the PTA?
All Evenlode parents and members of staff are automatically PTA members. Your views and involvement are welcomed no matter how much or little time you have to give.
Even if you think there’s nothing you could offer, by keeping abreast of what’s going on, you may be surprised to find you can actually get involved in some small way.
We hold our annual general meeting (AGM) in March, which everyone is welcome to attend. At this meeting a committee is elected to run the PTA.
PTA Committee 2023 - 2024
How can you support us?
There are many ways to support the PTA whether it be giving your time to help at an event, volunteering as a year group representative, or simply donating when you can.
Volunteering at PTA Events
As we rely on volunteers to help run our PTA events, we’re always on the lookout for helping hands. Even just an hour of your time can be a huge help and we will never pressure anyone into committing to more time than they are able to give.
To offer support at PTA events, please get in touch at or send a message to your PTA year group rep if you’d like to find a way to get involved.
Ad Hoc or Regular Monetary Donations
If you'd like to support the PTA but can't give your time, you can make a one-off donation (or set up a monthly donation) at any time throughout the year at our JustGiving page.
Monetary donations are not expected or demanded of any parent, but for those who do want to (and can) give a financial contribution, you can donate at our JustGiving page here.
Becoming a PTA Year Group Rep
Our Year Group reps act as additional communication channels between the PTA and parents/ guardians of the different year groups, via the informal WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger groups that parents have usually set up themselves.
It works best when we have two reps per year group. If you'd like to become a PTA Year Group rep, please get in touch at
PTA Open Meetings
A great way to learn what's going on, is to attend one of our regular Open Meetings.
2025 dates TBC
During these meetings we give updates on Fundraising & Financials, talk about Recent & Upcoming Events, discuss New Proposals & Ideas and receive Feedback & Ways to improve.
Please email to request the Zoom link.
Follow us on Facebook
2024 PTA Events Calendar
PTA Annual Review Sept'22 to Aug'23