
Evenlode Primary School

Always being our best, for ourselves and for each other






Welcome to Acorns and Conkers


Come and meet the team! We are a large and dedicated team. The class teachers are Miss Nugent teaching Conkers and Miss Tunley teaching Acorns. Reception have three wonderful LSAs: Miss de Grey, Miss Righton and Miss Taylor. 

School Day



All pupils will enter the unit through the fire door by the main entrance. The door will open at 8:45 am and close promptly at 9:00am. If you arrive after 9:00am you will need to take your child to the main entrance. Acorns will be dismissed through the same door at 3:20pm. Conkers will be dismissed onto the infant playground at 3:20pm.


Information for Parents



Please ensure all items of clothing are labelled, including shoes!



Pupils will wear their P.E. kit to school on a Friday. They will need to wear their house colour t-shirts, shorts/joggers/leggings and trainers. Pupils should wear their school jumper/ cardigan on top. 



Water bottles are kept in a box in the classroom and children may drink throughout the day. This is in addition to any drink’s bottle included with a packed lunch. Please ensure this water bottle is clear and contains only water and their name is clearly marked. Water bottles can be purchased from the office.



Your child will need to bring their own snack, which may include fruit/veg, bread sticks, rice cakes or cereal bars, clearly labelled with their name please.



The children are grouped initially with the children who started on the same day during our staggered intake. These groups will be changed regularly throughout the school year to give the children the opportunity to work with other children in their class.


Curriculum Information



We use the Jolly Phonics scheme within Reception to teach Phonics.  Pupils are introduced to a new phonic sounds every day through stories, songs and rhymes.  We teach the children the letter sound not the name of the letter.


Pupils are also introduced our reading scheme, Oxford Reading Tree.  Pupils will be introduced first to the characters and their names. They will then be taught key sight words, which we have split into sets that progress in parallel to the level of book. We do test the children regularly on their flashcard words and we ask that these are learnt by sight and not by decoding/sounding out.   We will only send new words home when these words are recognised in their reading.


One of our main focuses in school is to improve standards in writing and we encourage the correct pencil gripIn your welcome pack you may remember receiving an example of our handwriting scheme. Initially children may find this a little tricky, but with perseverance it has proven to encourage children’s writing to flow



Pupils will develop their understanding of counting, 1:1 correspondence, number recognition, number formation and early addition and subtraction strategies. We will also work on shape, length, capacity, weight, time and data handling. 

Pupils will use the Mathletics programme as an aid to their learning.    


On Entry Assessment

The 'On Entry Assessment' was developed to assess children’s abilities and development in 3 areas of learning:


  • Languages, Literacy and Communication
  • Maths and Numeracy
  • Health and Welbeing


This assessment will be conducted over the first 6 weeks and will be in the form of observations and formative assessments e.g., how they play with others, how they communicate with each other, care for themselves etc.



As you may have noticed during your visit, Reception is divided into the Language Room, the Maths Room, Middle Area and Outside. The children work within all areas during a school day. During the afternoon session (which is topic based) the children have the opportunity to work with their friends from the other class. They also have this opportunity in the morning if they are in the Middle Area or Outside.



You may have noticed that you child may have brought home a small prize on a Friday. The prize is given to the group who have gained the most treasure. These are given to children for anything over and above the golden rules and may include good effort in work etc.



To help children with their listening skills we introduce Leo, who  is the listening lion. Leo will be brought home on a Friday and return to school the following Thursday. Leo will be coming home with a book which we would ask you to help your child write about activities that they have done with Leo and add photographs or drawings. When Leo is returned this will be an opportunity for your child to discuss with the class what Leo has done. Leo will come home each week with the ‘Golden Ticket’ winners from Reception.



Lastly we try to arrange  trips which reinforce  the topic that we are learning about at that time. We normally organise these termly. We ask for payment in advance through Parent Pay as we are a cash free school. Even though payment is on a voluntary basis, unfortunately if we do not receive sufficient funds, the trip will be cancelled.


Termly Curriculum Topics



Big Question - Does everyone celebrate the same things?

We will be celebrating ourselves as well as learning about celebrations from around the world. 



Big Question - How do things grow?

Pupils will be learning about different classifications of animals, compare young with adult animals, look their features and habitats. They will also learning about what plants need to grow and how we grow as humans.



Big Question - What footprints have people left behind?

We will be learning about the world and how what we do locally can affect people globally. Pupils will discover what they can do to leave a 'green' footprint along with looking at the 'footprints' that have been left from the past. 


At Evenlode we do not set weekly homework.  Instead, we encourage all children to read, or to be read to regularly.  We have also put a variety of links below that will aid your child in practising a variety of skills including numeracy and literacy skills.  The curriculum newsletter also gives parents a guide to what their child will be studying that term.


How To Help At Home

Websites and Apps

The following links are to websites we recommend:

Top Marks (Maths and English games) -

BBC Bitesize (Maths and English videos and games) -

Phonics Bloom ( Sounds games) -

Jolly Phonics songs A to Z -

Oxford Owl (English Activities) -

Oxford Owl (Maths Activities -

Cosmic Kids Yoga -



The following apps are ones we recommend and use in school- 

Hairy Letters

Hairy Phonics 1, 2, and 3

Hairy Words 1

Teach Your Monster to Read

Number Skills (Teach Your Monster Maths)

Read for Fun

Reading Eggs

Squabbles Addition and Subtraction

1-Minute Maths App (White Rose Maths)

As pupils are introduced to reading they will start to recognise high frequency words knows as flashcards words by sight. Please find below a link to all 21 sets. 

At Evenlode we use a pre-cursive style of letter formation. We find this helps pupils with all letters starting in the same place with a smile on the line. 

ALL Jolly Phonics songs in alphabetic order
