
Evenlode Primary School

Always being our best, for ourselves and for each other

Year 6





Welcome to Chestnut and Oak!


Come and meet the team!  The class teachers are:


Mr J Francis – Oak          Miss V Bieri – Chestnut




Our Topics:


Autumn – POWER - World War II


Spring – EVOLUTION - Survival and Story writing


Summer – MOVEMENT - Space, The 1960s and Civil Rights




During the Autumn Term we will be looking at the book 'Letters From The Lighthouse' by Emma Carroll with the hook of 'Power'.  During the Spring Term, we work on 'Survivors' by David Long and Kerry Hyndman. During the Summer Term, we work on 'Hidden Figures' by Margot Lee Shetterly and 'The Final Year' by Matt Goodfellow.

We work on a variety of different writing genres, including descriptions, newspaper reports, short stories, letters and explanation/factual texts. Throughout the year, we work on a variety of reading skills, including referring to the text and using inference and deduction to ‘read between the lines’.




In Maths we cover a wide range of topics in line with the Curriculum for Wales. These include the four operations, Place Value, Shape and Space, Measures and Data Handling. Opportunities for problem solving and investigation work are provided across these topics. Lessons are differentiated to ensure all pupils are receiving work appropriate to their level of ability. Pupils answer a range of mental maths questions on a daily basis.



Please ensure that all uniform is clearly displayed with your child’s name. Missing uniform can be found in the lost property box.



PE kits are to be worn into school each Monday and Thursday for our Games/PE sessions. Pupils do not need their normal uniform on this day.



Water bottles are kept in a box in the classroom and children may drink throughout the day. This is in addition to any drink’s bottle included with a packed lunch. Please ensure this water bottle is clear and contains only water and their name is clearly marked. Water bottles can be purchased from the office.



At Evenlode we do not set weekly homework.  Instead, we encourage all children to read, or to be read to regularly.  We have also put a variety of links below that will aid your child in practising a variety of skills including numeracy and literacy skills.  The curriculum newsletter also gives parents a guide to what their child will be studying that term.  


Year group guidelines to help you support your child through the year.

Can you write correctly using cursive? Clear explanations available here.

A guide to help you support you child when learning their spellings.

Educational games for children

Take advantage of these great games to support your work in class!
